Taking Chances ~ Jo Jackson Photography

I can't believe we're almost at the end of January and a whole month into 2017! This month has flown by.

For me, this year is all about taking chances and the first of those chances was to enter 50 of my photos into an international photography contest!

It's a scary thing to put something you've made out into public view to be judged by others and usually my worry over what other people will think along with the belief that my work just isn't as good as other photographers would have stopped me. But this year I've set all manner of goals and challenges for myself - some physical, some not -. and I intend to do them all as the year goes on.

The Shoot & Share contest is an amazing opportunity and it's incredibly fair. All of the voting and entries are shown anonymously. My photos will be shown for voting next to photographs from photographers all around the world each of us with various levels of experience and will be judged on their own individual merits alone.

I'm not expecting to win anything but the fact that I've entered and used up all of my 50 entry slots makes me feel incredibly good, I must admit!

Voting will begin next week and run throughout February so it's a case of waiting and seeing where my photos get to in the competition.

What are your plans for 2017 and have you made any progress towards them yet?

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